Placing a record on the record player

The Art of Sound: HELM x ATX Record Players

Placing a record on the record player

Craft shouldn’t be a lost art, and we love to surround ourselves with people who feel the same way. Our newest release, The Finn, is a Chelsea boot with a rich history rooted in music. That’s why we chose Shea Henning to showcase each color. Shea founded ATX Record Players, and he began restoring vintage record players about a decade ago.

SELECT FULL SCREEN BELOW AND WATCH Shea's process at ATX record players

Want a record player from Shea?

Shea’s operation has evolved and now he builds out his own custom line, named Tonenhaus. During our time with him, Shea began the day in his workshop before taking in some downtime with one of his earliest record players. We ended the day at one of Austin’s most iconic hotspots, Mean Eyed Cat, a watering hole that doubles as a monument to Johnny Cash. How Shea approaches each project starts with deep purpose and care. Like what we do here at HELM, the result of Shea’s work is meant to be passed down and enjoyed for generations.

How about some boots to go with that record player?

Check out more resources available for you to learn about The Finn, our newest Chelsea boot, and how best to take care of it.

Taking care of The Finn

Our newest Chelsea boot comes in three styles: Sienna, Black, and Brown. The Finn Sienna is made of a water-resistant, Rusan suede leather and for that we recommend suede protector. You can also clean your new Sienna Chelsea boot with Otter Wax Suede Cleaner. For The Finn Black and Brown, we recommend Blackrock Leather 'n Rich, our most popular boot care product. You can also use Pure Polish's high shine wax if you like to keep your Chelsea boots gleaming. Put your favorite album on your record player while you're cleaning your new favorite boots.

Have a question about our new chelsea boot, or other footwear? Let us know:

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