We don’t know about you, but ever since the day we saw JAWS, the thought of being in, around, or on the ocean (or any bodies of water for that matter) has never been the same. Believe it or not, there are people who actually subjugate themselves to this fear and even pay to do so! That’s right - you can watch JAWS while floating in a tube on Lake Travis, in the dark, just waiting to be a shark snack for a squad of scuba divers to scare the dickens out of you. “Jaws on the Water” is presented by the infamous Alamo Drafthouse Rolling Roadshow June 22, 29, July 13, 20, 27, and August 3, 10, 17. Click here for more details, and if you don’t truly suffer from Galeophobia, we double dare you to get in the water.
We believe that jewelry, like life, is profound in its simplicity, and that’s why we’re so fond of Hernán Herdez’s upcycled and “season-less” jewelry. The eponymous line of Designer and Art Director Hernán Herdez boasts androgynous appeal and an environmentally conscious production ethos. Each piece is handmade in NYC from recycled metals, lending bespoke luxury to the brand’s edited, transitional aesthetic. When you wear or gift distinct pieces like this, it’s just as much about giving jewelry as it is a piece of art.
Ok, did you watch the first season? If not, then go do that now, because it was bonkers crazy (good bonkers crazy), and now Meryl Streep joins the cast in Season 2 of HBO’s Big Little Lies. Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley, Zoe Kravitz, Laura Dern...and now Streep? Um, Awesomeville. The suburban drama fueled by conspiracy and insidious gossip insured gold with the series premiere, directed by female auteur Andrea Arnold, and it’s only getting better. It’s something of a rarity for Streep, Hollywood’s most decorated film veteran, to grace the small screen. Then again, “It’s not TV, It’s HBO.” We predict she’s still coming for all the Emmy’s y’all, but until then she’s here adding even more prestige to the already remarkable cast. As hard as it might be to top, we can already tell that the soundtrack is gonna be as good as the first season. That’s a recipe for a real big win.
It’s never easy to incorporate words into art without being compared to Basquiat or the likes, but when it’s as abstract, angular, and austere as what Australian artist Luke Chiswell generates, there’s no worry about such comparison. The language that he creates out of found objects can at first seem somewhat desolate, but after more time is spent, there’s a depth that is quite confounding. Drawing upon a rural upbringing near the small town of Collector in Australia, as well as the ubiquity of global skateboard culture, the (now LA-based) mixed media artist creates not only paintings, but also sculptures and trophies rife with pithy idioms and haunting, modern prose. His works have been described as both primally honest and unnervingly complex. It’s the dynamic tension between Chiswell’s use of simple, organic material and his own halting, sardonic wit that makes @lukechiswell one of our favorite Instagram follows. His work is available for purchase here at Tappan Collective.
Raise your barbecue sauce covered hand if you feel like you’ve heard people name dozens and dozens of places that are the best bbq anywhere, ever. Well don’t worry, because we’re not going to make any such grandiose declarations here, we’re just going to say that there’s plenty of BBQ to come by in Nashville, and this is our own personal favorite. The menu structure is categorized as such: Turkey, Cow, Pig. The choices from there are just as simple, like BBQ should be. Whether it be by the pound, plate or sandwich (outstanding!), it’s all divinely delicious. Our personal pick is “Man’s Best Friend” under the Pig section. We’re not gonna tell you what it is, you’ve just gotta go try it. Then you can be the judge on it’s national ranking order for Best BBQ Ever.
There are no words to describe the heartbreaking behaviors of abuse. The SAFE Alliance is a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter and SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone), both long-standing and respected human service agencies in Austin. SafePlace serves the survivors of child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence. Visit safeaustin.org to learn more about this amazing organization, and join us in promoting and supporting their cause.