Woody's World: Our 2020 Report Card

Woody's World: Our 2020 Report Card

The ninth episode of Woody Lovell's podcast, The Barber and his Therapist, is out now and he points out the fact that the solitude and chaos of 2020 has a lot of us asking “Where is my life at?” As we continue to set goals in the face of disrupted routines and social isolation, it’s critical to remember we are in a different time. We can’t have the same goals as 2019. In fact, in the interest of self preservation, it might be smart to have the pure goal to just get through this. 


It’s okay to be fatigued. Go easy with yourself. Now is the time to streamline your goals.

What are you prioritizing? How are you connecting? Here are the top three categories on our 2020 report card. 


Mental Wellness


"Create healthy, steady habits that are manageable and not overwhelming. Give yourself permission to push things down the timeline. You’re not quitting - you’re adjusting priorities. Put a few things aside. Take a little weight off. Scheduling regular check-ins, be it a trip to the barbershop or a quick coaching session, is a great way to keep your mind focused and content."


Physical Health & Safety


"Physical exercise manages mood swings, plain and simple. It’s only natural to have a physiological reaction to the stressors and disruption occurring all around us given the state of the world. Control your mood. Stay in shape. When you allow yourself to become run down and physically out of tune, that’s where mistakes get made. In the grooming business we know all too well just how much happiness with our appearance can boost confidence and enhance your sense of self expression. If nothing else, make it a goal to come out of this well-rested and looking good."


Connection & Maintaining Relationships


"I’m back to basics. That involves prioritizing relationships that facilitate my wellbeing. I’m nurturing and watering those relationships daily, weekly, monthly. I’m checking in with my people. Check in. Receive. Give love. It’s the best thing we’ve got."



Listen to Woody on his podcast, The Barber and His Therapist.

All episodes are available online and ready to binge, with a new one out each month.

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